Friday, January 20, 2012

Work From Home Jobs: Legitimate Opportunity Or Just a Promise

If you want to be protected from work from home jobs scam, you must keep yourself updated with the current marketing info and e-business tips so that you can protect yourself from somebody robbing you.

These kind of scams are done usually through spam mails, advertisement on websites i.e. notice boards, discussion forums etc. These work in home job offers are often bogus and fraud. Most of the times, these offers are a front for legitimizing their illegal income.

In these frauds, they send you an email about a job offer and ask you about your bank account number, so that they can send you your payment or you will pass payments forward for some other multinational company. They offer you a handsome commission, each time you transfer payment for them. This might be a front for a money laundering operation, and you may get into trouble with the law enforcement agencies.

You may get a job offer to write advertisements or sending envelops into mail. They ask you to submit a fee to start your work at home. But, when you pay the money, you will not receive anything, or you may be get an encouragement to join them in this scam and rob other people.

Genuine businesses offering work at home jobs do not send a spam email about a job offer. Beware of all offers where they guarantee you a 100% success. Be very very cautious about work from home jobs offer, where they ask you to pay a fee to start it.

No genuine job in the world asks for a fee to start your work. Legitimizing illegal income is a crime which may get you into trouble with the authorities. Do not become a part of any scheme where you have to transfer money for someone else. Do not share your credit card or online account information with any person or company you do not know yourself.

Before applying for a work in home job, try to gather as much information about the company as possible. If you think that they are using a real company as a front, then contact that company to ask about them. Make sure that company's website address matches with the company's name.

If you get any kind of a job offer from a company you think as a fraud or you are working for such a company now a days. You report it to the proper authorities. In short, always be on guard from such spam mails, verify about the company as thoroughly as possible and never go for a scam like joining fee etc.

If you're interested in online business opportunities, then it is a separate thing then a home job. To start an online business, it gonna cost you a bit i.e. hosting a website, marketing tools, advertisements, etc. Take your time to research and decide whether you're interested in online business or home based job.

Finding difference between legitimate and scam work at home jobs is really difficult. to add some extra money in their monthly income many people are now doing work at home, but first you need to find out legit one.

View the original article here

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In the article posted on the author said :

The annual event is only three years old but brings together robot enthusiasts of all ages to compete in games and help spur interest in electronics.  A contest to design the robot received more than 1,600 submissions from local 5th and 6th grade students, including entries that depicted robot cats, dogs, catfish, and even one flower-like robot designed to help with watering plants.

I can't imagine that three years old event can brings together robot enthusiasts of all ages, may I know how you do it...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

say hello word too....
thanks alot for the attention....

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just Testing,......